So the randomness continues...
We hung out often, he introduced me to more random people. The list of randomness and random moments just keeps growing and I am still stuck here trying to absorb it all.
"Our random friendship has led us to extremely random moments. I hope Buddha is watching all this. He's one major factor to this natpu! I bet even he is laughing and rolling in his throne watching us...may the randomness continue.."-me
“Yaya... Random la pa...Our Random meeting in Buddhist Lodge led us to vaanga palagalaam..Then we became so close of watching movie together, hanging out together, eating together, overnighting at your place till 4am and KISSING each other because of a stupid game. What's next? Vaanga Padukkalaam!!! LOL!!!” -him
Cheers to our random friendship. And please, no vaanga Padukkalaam all!-so scary naa!
From the bottom left hand corner of my apex, I am developing a tiny space for him. I am starting to adore him more, his little smile, his annoying “ah erm, veereh?, Approm?, sollitiya?”, the way his ears twitch involuntarily (it’s random you know), his be-dazzling eyes, his soft-hearted attitude (which always gets him into trouble!), and his ever so adorable laughter! But you know what, I can’t ask for anything more. Cause’ what we share now is sacred and pure. It will be so disheartening if feelings got in the way and spoilt a budding friendship. Though sometimes I secretly wonder...what if? Well, whatever it is, let’s just live this life laughing and knowing that at least at one point we made an impression in someone’s life. Lets discard all negativity and live life positively.. :)