Friday, September 19, 2008

the word Selfish.

Selfish is a very mean and crude word. Isn't it? Sometimes it hurts too. Even when one does everything to keep others happy, she's labeled as Selfish. I can go on and talk about the things I've done for this ungrateful people who care less about my well-being, but it wouldn't make me any different from them, would it? They talk too much and care less about how they're affecting others. I'm done fighting, what's the use of defending my dignity when they laugh at it?

Selfish actions, can create unnecessary
problems, so consider others in your process.
Try giving more of yourself
and think about yourself less.
It's not a good way, to maintain a relationship,
whether it be family or friend.
If you ignore the things that are important,
you'll be the one, hurt in the end.
It can't always be a one way street. It's
not fair to think that way.
So if you're smart, you'll take it to heart and
change your actions, today!