Sunday, July 5, 2009

1 minute to FAME!

well, yes...i FINALLY tried out for the VSTAR auditions today. AND it sucked pretty bad. i WAS pretty upset that my journey ended even before i could start. Hahahahahahaha...apparently i wasn't dressed LIKE A STAR. the judges didn't let the appearance part slip by. they harped on it for awhile before they heard me sing. And singing on a mic was terrible. but hey, i took it all in with a BIG SMILE.

i feel contented today. even though i didn't make it into the competition, i still feel like a winner. and i guess i've finally found the reason to why i wanted to join in the first place! "i wanted to meet new people, i wanted to make new friends!"-i secretly envied shankara because HE made some nice friends! But hey, i too met some nice people. some people whom names i can't remember right now. all of them were nice and warm. putting myself out there today wasn't an easy thing but i seemed to act out my part pretty well. come on, tell me! who wants to be left on a HOT SPOT-where people are judging your appearance, personality, first impressions and etc....? NO ONE! no one wants to feel so small and helpless...

i've come to realise that people aren't what they seem to be. Well, did you know that Mr Chandramohan (a judge from VSTAR!) was actually a part-time Taxi driver. I once boarded his taxi with my family and you know what...He was really a very nice person inside out. He was so friendly and cheerful that we were all talking till we arrived at our destination. But today, he wasn't that same person...instead, he was snobbish, rude, hurtful and mocking..i didn't remember him like i used too. well, its ok to be honest..i don't mind taking critisms but i didn't appreciate the way he had to put his statements across. it was like as if he was trying to be someone else...My question is WHY? Why let the media change your aura? why be something else??....

i'm not going to change myself...but i will repent and learn from the experience i've gained has given something to think till next time..