Tuesday, July 7, 2009


the school week has officially started and i've been running around like a mad dog tryna keep it all together, in school! i had to hand in all the 22 freaking 1000words essay to a VERY ANNOYING lecturer!-i hate her, she's so fake and sickening! sigh!

and God, thank you for blessing me with assholes for group members! i couldn't thank you any lesser! Sometimes i wonder why some people even bother coming to school. They are given such a priority in the poly yet they fail to make full use of the knowledge! FREE LOADERS! they practically wait for someone to do everything for them. It's people like them who make me hate going to school. But yeah, WHATEVER! I'm here to learn and if you are not here for the same reason, please don't waste other peoples time!

I have a theory test tmrw and it's so last minute. the teacher in charge of that particular module is so unreliable! She doesn't know whats going on i suppose. And its a waste that the goverment is paying her cos all she ever wants us to do is GO AND WATCH CBT!

A teacher-a person who teaches or instructs, esp. as a profession; instructor. So please do your work promptly! Its your rice-bowl!

Students will always be students!-
any person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully: a student of human nature.

even though students suck blood, its still the job of an educator to teach!!
i'm sick of self-directed learning!!

tmrw is gonna be a brighter day, i hope!